Keira Knightly

Our one love, passion and most of all KEIIIIIIRRRRRRRA!!!!

Welcome, one and all to the best page on this website! Yes you've guessed it kids a whole page dedicated to...........


She's so damn great and pretty and she's my twin! Woooooooooo so prepare yourself for a whole load of Keirrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaa!!!!





Look at her all Perdie in Love Actually (hehe)


Yay it's Keirrrrraaa being all posh! Orlando's not looking 2 bad either!


Look it's dead keira! Don't cry, look it's her fun yet practical pink blow up sofa! She's soooooooo clever!

Bend it like Beckham!

Thats right Keira, you relax now after a hard days training! (GO LONG, KEIRA, GO LONG!!!!!)

Arrrrrrr the evil captin Barbosa!

Don't jump keira we lovvvvveeeee youuuuuuuu...........nooooooooo!!!


To me you're perfect! You really are keira!

All dolled up for the premier!

Ooooooooo la de da! Doesn't she look lovely!


We Love You Keira, And We Always Will!