In Memory of Lucy!

Ok, shes not dead, didn't mean to scare you!

If you can see the picture to my right you will see Miss Lucy Elderton-Johnson pouting at the camera! So pucker up!


Who could it be?

Hum well i'm stumped!

You may think i have an obsession with funny pictures of Lucy, but Laura and I thought it might be funny, just to be annoying! (we're good at that!) It also looks like Jo (the pink arm thing!) is feeling her up, hrumph I told you they were having an affair!

Wellity wellity wellity......................................

Look wot I found, a photo (almost face on) of Miss Eadie, a rare event! In a rather camp pose, spending to much time with aiden haven't you?

Now wot is Jo up 2?

Don't you give me that look young lady!

Its Lucy looking rather evil wouldn't you you say!
Half robot, half human!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God, the special effects are outstanding! You could hardly tell it was Lucy!

ahhhhhhhhhh well I can explain!

Well she wouldn't pout, so i had to revert to photographing her chest! ( Jo, don't take advantage of this photo!)
You there, yes you!

Well hello old chap!!!!!!!

Ooooooo look at that fine hunk of a man!

Everyone after a long wait, her is a picture of Nick Parkes A.K.A Jo's Toyboy! Hehehehe, Jo enjoy!
Its Captain Jack Sparrow

Ooooo arrrrrrrr maties!

Sleepy Frenchie?

Off to bed with you!
Sample Photo 12

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Sample Photo 13

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