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Little Miss Mary is not like most 8 year old girls. Born into a family of knife throwers, Mary developed a affinity for shiny sharp things. Sometimes her hoddy lands her in a gory mess when she tries to enlighten the world with the joys of a well oiled chain saw......Be warned..... This is only the beginning.

It may not be French, but it kicks some ass!

Pay tribute to the flag!
Ho ho ho merry French-mass

yeah......Very French!! (wot the F**k)
A typical French woman ( hey is that Jo!)

I found this on Google under the word "France", so i guess it shows the wonders of the French health service!
A typical Fench telephone directory, cool guy on the cover, ehh?

Its everyones favourite Skunk...........Pepe Le Pew
Its a giant metal bell-end..........nope its just the eiffel tower (phew!)

Celine Dion - shes French-Canadian and has an odd nose!
Heres an important French man talking to the ass-hole of America!

Its the president of France ( I think!)
It does exactly what it says on the tin!

Now guys theres no need for violence

Now if this doesn't inspire you to pick up a pen and write, then god knows what will! (Royal mail rocks!)
Its everyones favourite giant, yellow, afro headed, puppet bird!

ummmmmmmmmmmmmm Brandon

Simpsons and co.

Its Cheese................watch out Aiden
if it isn't my darling sister and wife, caught unawares! (hehe)

The untouched wilderness of Master James Medd's Hair
Remember kids.......its hip to be a square!

Yay its the girl with the worst dress sense on the entire planet (i mean GREEN leggings!) its.................Lizzie Maguire! Who stole her name from Frenchie!
Its what we've all been waiting for a recipe for French sticks!

The best film ever! Forget LOTR its gotta be Slap her she's FRENCH!

YAY, save the sea!