Welcome Frenchies

The Home of all things French (and also the not so french!)

Welcome to the offical Frenchie website of the West Bridgford area. Home to the infamous Frenchie (Lizzie) and Frenchie-deux (Hannah - don't wear it out!) If you love all things French and wonderful (especially French cheese!) then look around and you'll be amazed at how little you'll learn about France from this fantasticly pointless website!


Oooo arrr ship mates!
This site isn't always about France, sometimes we have to deal with some very serious issues like PIRATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes thats right, as Commendor Norrington i feel it is my dutie to get rid of all pirates, such as that scally wag Jack Sparrow! I know who you really are Jack (Robin!), but the worst pirate of them all is.................................................................Hilary Duff, oops i mean Captain Duff! Beware she is armed with crappy pop songs and a small cartoon of herself, BEWARE she does bite!

Become and offical FRENCH PERSON!
Thats right just like me and Frenchie you too could become the ignorant,dangerous driving, loopy, snail eating person you've always dreamed of! Just send a self addressed envelope to

Becoming French
56 Frogs Legs street
Frenchie ville

And you will recieve and offical French person pack with all you need to be that Frenchie! Oh theres also the small problen about the cost £20,000 per pack, please send either a postal order or a check (no cash). Remember with a little help from the french you could become a better person!

We hold no responsibility for lost packs or angry Frewnch people ringing you at 3am. Also theres no money back wot so eva.

Thank You

Getting Rich Quick From My Site!
Give me al your stuff in exchange for valuable Goats milk, which is worth millins in europe! An easy way to get rich, i swear!

(hahaha suckers!)
TAKE THE QUIZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Behind the Scenes of My Home Page
There is nothing but a whole lot of cheese, french bread, sheep, peanuts, soup, cola and of course a load of squares!

(oh and me!)
Go to my other web site........

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