Welcome To My Homepage

Favorite Links

Due to popular demand, i have been forced against my free will to create a links page. Well i lie this site isn't populare nd it certainly not in demand...........its just theres soooooo many good Sites (a few more of mine, so are therefore shite!)

So here a few goodens for ye's!

Slag Against The Macine
Yeah dude...........this site is wak! So go on it now and enjoy it in all its splender! I said go now slackers!
Oh My God Murder.........
To solve the mystery of the murdered mouse click above and unravel this mysterious crime!!!
I made this site with David (Richardson, for those of you who believe there are 2 many Davids!) so b prepared if its a bit shite.......
Uncle Archibald
The wonderful world of Uncle Archibald and Friends.............well he hasn't got any friends but hey!
Another of my own sites, so it will b shitty!
This is David (Richardson) and Jamie's (Wilson) site, its rather good and funny! It is an on going storey so unlike most websites has some kind of purpose!
Claire's website
Go on Claire's (Elliot) web site, all i can say is that its wak, and has a whole page dedicated to her trampoline!!! How cool!
Nasdaq Stock Market Information
ooooo this site is fun u can do all kinds of CrAzy things like have a convo with a computer that is really shity! hehehehehehe funny!

Have Fun!