The Custard Page

Mainly about Lizzie, lumberjacks and insane dogs!

I know this extremely pointless and teadious website seems to never end, but bear with me theres just too many great things in the world to just fit on one website!

Lizzie's a lumberjack and she's OK............
Yay, after searching far and wide i have found a rather great picture of Micheal Palin from "Monty Python's Flying Circus" (if you've never seen it watch it now...........its great!)as the infamous lumberjack that lizzie admires so greatly.........this is a dedication to all homosexual/transexual lumberjacks out there (like lizzie), to say that you're doing a great job..........don't give up the good work!

Lizzie's dad is Tim Johnson (the insane dog!)
For those of you who have never read the classic tale "to Kill A Mocking Bird" by Harper Lee, then to put it frankly....................your missing a treat, it is sooooooooo easy to find characters to use in a funny way to take the piss out of Lizzie! For those of you who have read the book and sit near me in English will know that Lizzie...
1. Loves Walter Cunningham
2. Eats raw squirrels wrapped in table cloths
3. Her dad is tim johnson the mad dog!
4. Was born on insest!
5. and she also loves Boo Radley
Also i love Jem, Natalie loves Scout, Calpurnia and her mum is her brothers uncle or sumit! Don't forget that Fran is Atticus, so be careful to mind her!

Also Ya mum eats squirrels wrapped in table cloths!

I dress in womens clothing and hang around in bars!