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Welcome to my campaign against pigeons, some of you may well know about my dislike for pigeons and therefore you will know that i call them "flying rats". They are disease ridden, foul birds and i don't like 'em! They carry the plaige, so if you want to relive the middle ages be my guest, some of you may like pigeons and have even befriended them, Emmie! But they are just looking to brainwash us with there evil ways and they then plan to take over the world! This may come as shock to some of you, but i have it from good authority that pigeons are going to inherit the earth when we're gone, so to speed up this process they are killing us off!

So remember kids...........say no to pigeons!

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see the connection, cats (mite!) eat pigeons!

But what does it all mean?
The pictures above show our own market square filled with pigieons, in the 1st picture we see them clearly trying to attack me and my camera! A violent act, which should not and will not be tolorated! But you can also see a small child in a pink top kicking at the pigeons, shes got the sort of spirit i think we all should have!

In the second picture you can see a "swarm" of pigeons! (notice i say swarm, not flock as the word swarm is more suited!) This "swarm" is getting ready to kill that poor inocent man sitting unawares on the wall!


Competition Time
Guess what, now being the sad and odd person that i am i am going to hold a competition, if you can count the correct number of pigeons in the picture below i will personly present you with a gun to shoot the exact number of pigeons in the photo!

Happy hunting!

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If you have reached here and have taken this page seriously, you are an idiot!