Aboot da suit

Translation - About the Site.

Theres not much to say about my site apart from the fact thats its based on the concept that the French should really rule the world! (hey after all they said no to war!)


ahhhhh the history behind my site, sweet memories. Well what happened was i got bored and thought it might be fun to tell the world about my twisted life and distorted view on humanity, oh and to enlighten you with the wonderful French culture! Well there you have it, i'm a very sad individual!

I'm Garu! Visit Lovepucca.net to find out your Pucca Character!
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Sorry bout all the advertising Pucca, i just like the little pictures!

Go to the corkboard (if it works) and leave a message!
Go Go Go.........

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This is such a load of horse bollocks!